Equipment for anilox laser cleaning - The equipment for safe and eco-friendly laser cleaning of anilox roll.
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Maximum weight:
up to 50 kg
up to 200 kg
up to 500 kg
Cleaning speed:
7-14-21-30 min
(depends on the model)
15 min
15 min
Maximum length:
up to 1800 mmup to 2000 mmup to 2900 mm
Diameter of anilox rolls:
from 60 to 200 mm
from 100 to 200 mm
from 100 to 350 mm
Power consumption:
2 kW / 5kW
2 kW / 5kW
2 kW / 5kW
Width x height x depth:
3416х1212х1668 mm
4757х1212х1668 mm
5418х1250х1577 mm
1000 kg2000 kg3000 kg
Everyday safe deep cleaning solution for anilox rolls LaserEcoClean enables you to forget about toxic and expensive chemistry.
Due to fully automated process you will be able to completely eliminate human factor from your production.
Cloud database saves for you all data about your anilox rolls in the LEC Cloud DB for the entire lifetime of the equipment.
The cleaning is fully automated.
Your employees do not need to know anything about laser cleaning.
Installing the roll takes about one minute.
Starting the safe laser cleaning for any roll from your printing unit does not require entering any roll parameters or laser power values. All parameters of your rolls and cleaning settings are already embedded in our equipment.
All you need to do is enter the roll number, for example, B52, and press START.
In 7 minutes, the completely clean roll will be ready for use!
You guaranteed that our cleaning method is safe for the ceramic surface of anilox, and we specify it in the contract.
Differences to other laser cleaning methods:
- Rotation speed during the cleaning was increased
- One laser impulse of 1 MJ comes in one spot with a diameter of 100 microns only once.
- Most stable and reliable laser beam unit on the market is used.
- Minimal overlapping of the laser spot on the anilox surface during the cleaning.
Technically new anilox roll for every print run.
You are guaranteed the return of ink transfer to the original factory state except the natural wear after each cleaning, and yes, we specify it in the contract. You can clean the rolls every day without worrying about the safety of the anilox rolls.
Saves your money.
Since no consumables during 50 000 operating hours of the LaserEcoclean stationary equipment are used, you receive the lowest possible cost of 1 anilox cleaning (in fact, the cost of electricity). Due to the cleaning speed and speed of mounting and demounting of the anilox rolls as well as to cost effectiveness and to saving on chemical supplements and electricity, with LaserEcoclean you save at least 15 000 EURO/20 000 USD a year.

Saves time of your employees.
It takes less than one minute to put the roll into the equipment.
The equipment identifies the cleaning program and the anilox type automatically.

The cleaning speed is 1 meter per 15 minutes.
And can be increased up to 1 meter per 7 minutes

Cloud database automatically saves for you all data about your anilox rolls in the LEC Cloud DB for the entire lifetime of the equipment.
Industry 4.0 in your facilities.
All LaserEcoClean units are connected to the quality management system LEC Cloud DB.
The data of your anilox rolls such as e.g. cleaning parameters, the cleaning date, is stored for the entire lifetime of the equipment.
You can also store the microscopic photos of your anilox rolls with LEC Cloud DB.
All strips, chips, scratches or dots could be also marked on draft on the anilox roll and saved in the LEC Cloud DB.
That is why your technicians do not have to use separate Excel sheets with all your anilox rolls and your designers can use anilox rolls with scratches for particular projects.

Highest  quality possible.
LaserEcoClean will produce for your only the premium equipment for deep cleaning of anilox rolls.
You will receive the equipment made from the best parts with a very precise quality control.
Due to cloud technology we are able to diagnose and repair breakup remotely.
You will be able to clean your anilox rolls 24/7/365.
1) Our first customer has already cleaned his 150 anilox rolls 20 000 times in 5 years;
2) After the comprehensive tests Kurt Zecher GmbH, the manufacturer of anilox rolls, had purchased our equipment. Moreover, our equipment was purchased by Constantia Flexibles (Austria), Folian GmbH (Germany), delo: Dettmer Verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Schreiner GmBH (Germany), Bobst Bielefeld (Germany)  и G'imprim (France).
Our experience for you.
We have been working in the laser cleaning business since the 2010 year and have cleaned entire anilox parks for more than 70 printing houses. We have more than 600 printers among our customers.
Our stationary equipment was sold in Zecher GmbH (Germany), Dettmer Verpackungen GmbH (Germany), G'imprim (France), Folian GmbH (Germany), Schreiner GmbH (Germany), Constantia Flexibles (Austria), Sealed Air (Russia), Huhtamaki (Russia), Bobst Bielefeld (Germany) and others.
Some our clients are cleaning up to 500 anilox rolls a month. Since 2010 many anilox rolls were cleaned more than 450 times.
Vasily Burmistrov
Contact Vasily via phone or email right now, so he prepares the customised offer for the equipment and the prepares ROI counting for you.
+ 49 1767 791 02 92 (Europe)
+1-888-272-3298 (toll free USA)
Vasily Burmistrov

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