Equipment for laser cleaning of anilox roll LEC50 (up to 50 kg) - The equipment for safe and eco-friendly laser cleaning of anilox roll.
+7 (921) 862-18-30
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LEC Ultra Light
LEC Light
LEC Standard
For a printing house with a number of rolls:
less 20 rolls
less 40 rolls
less 60 rolls
more 80 rolls
Maximum weight:
Up to 50 kg
Cleaning speed:
30 min
21 min
14 min
7 min
Types of anilox rolls:
Anilox rolls and sleeves with working length from 100 to 1800 mm
Diameter of anilox rolls:
from 60 to 200 mm
Power consumption:
2 kW / 5 kW
Width x height x depth
3416х1212х1668 mm
1000 kg
No special knowledge or skills are required.
All anilox roll in your printing facilities are stored in our LEC Cloud DB.
Every roll receives a unique number – one letter and one digit.
Cleaning parameters for each roll are already selected under the consideration of rolls diameter, width, line screen, ink transfer volume and surface type.
Your employee puts the roll into the equipment, brings the unique number e.g. B52 in and starts the cleaning.
The data of your anilox rolls is stored for the entire lifetime of the equipment.
Store data for the entire life of the machine.
After the cleaning all data about cleaned anilox roll, cleaning parameter and appearing errors is automatically stored in the LEC Cloud DB.
All employees who have login and password have access to the LEC Cloud DB via Web-Browser.
You can see all working parameters online, e.g. you can see the reaming time of the cleaning.
Contact Vasily via phone or email right now, so he prepares the customised offer for the equipment and the prepares ROI counting for you.
+ 49 1767 791 02 92 (Europe)
+1-888-272-3298 (toll free USA)
Vasily Burmistrov

Vasily Burmistrov
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